Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Deciding on shared poses

In the ongoing game, there will be two main types of animations:

Nude animations:
These animations would not have clothing variations, and only happen when nude. The player's pose and animation would be detailed and unique. Every enemy would have at least one of these.

Shared/generic animations:
The player's pose would be one of two generic, short animations. The poses can be flipped or rotated in order to fit the pose of the enemy. Because these animations would all use the same player part, every outfit would have these two poses, and thus would show up in all generic animations that use them.

Right now I'm trying to decide on those two poses. So far I've determined that the one in the top right is fairly practical given how much it can be rotated. It could be used for most generic sex.

The other pose would need to be used for things like groping, or enemies removing clothing, so it's a bit more difficult to decide on. These are some of my experiments with various poses.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Run animation, clothing layers.

More or less settled in to the new place.

I Had a week or so where I had to stop working. The same day I took some pills prescribed by a docter for something else, I had what felt like weird circulation problems. Turns out it was a muscle problem due to the hard floors in the new place, of all things.

So with that, I'm back to work again.

As far as the on-going game is concerned, I've mostly been working on some of the stuff that will be shared with other games. That includes the dialogue system, the animation/sound editor, and a couple other things.

I've also been messing with the run animation here and there, since it's one of the most important things to get right before doing clothing. Trying to decide how I want the head movement to be.

I'm also still trying to decide how I want to handle clothing layering. My initial plan was that clothing would come in the form of entire outfits, as opposed to individual pieces. This means that an alternate outfit sprite would include the body itself, as opposed to layering individual clothing sprites over a nude body.

One of the advantages to this would be that the clothing would not need to "fit" the body, and the body could be modified to fit the clothing. For example, if the character wears a dress, the stride of the running animation could be modified to be be a bit more dainty, or allow for whatever the clothing is, like this.

In either case, you're risking rework later on. If clothing changes the body, then if you want to change the face, you need to change it in every outfit. However, if you want to change something about the body, you risk it not fitting existing outfits.

If clothing includes the body, you could also have the style of animations be entirely different. For example if you have a more "seductive" outfit, then a crouch animation could be a lewd kneel as opposed to a "combat ready" stance of knight armor. Whereas if clothing is a separate layer, then modding is also more doable, since you could modify the player sprite and still have all the clothing fit. The middle-ground would be that there are base sprites for different things (seductive, combat, normal, etc), however this would still lock you down to specific templates, and mixing certain kinds of clothing would be more work unless they are also locked by type.

Not sure yet. I'll probably do the base sprites, and then I'll probably decide once I've tested out an outfit or two.